Our Customer's Opinions Matter
It’s not just what amount is on the check when you buy a system, it is how much benefit you receive and your return on investment. With IBAK, we don’t have broken down equipment that needs repair, we are out there every day working.
If we got a phone call today asking what system we recommend, there would be no hesitation, its IBAK.
Karen Morris
fort wayne, in
“The biggest thing to remember is that everything costs money, but in the large spectrum, you need to determine the long-term savings over the cost today.”

"The cost of running this equipment is far less than what we were paying before. We are really proud to run this equipment and we’ve had great success with it."

"I don’t have the monthly cost of light bulbs, tires, you name it with these other systems that we’ve used, but we constantly have several thousand dollar monthly bills just on maintenance for the systems. With your system, I think we’ve had one camera issue with a slip ring on the inside of the camera head within the two years of operation. "