MicroGator® 150


Don’t let its size fool you – IBAK’s compact cutter is small enough to fit in tight lines, but delivers the power that our MicroGator® product line is known for. The MicroGator® 150 was designed with versatility in mind, providing optional modular attachments to tackle any rehabilitation job. Simply attach your CR3 or CR4 attachment kits to transform your cutter system into a UHP jetter, top hat packer, etc. Interchangeable wheelsets are included, and allow the carrier to squeeze into 6″ pipes and up. Take your rehabilitation services to the next level with the MicroGator® 150.

Don’t let its size fool you – IBAK’s compact cutter is small enough to fit in tight lines, but delivers the power that our MicroGator® product line is known for. The MicroGator® 150 was designed with versatility in mind, providing optional modular attachments to tackle any rehabilitation job. Simply attach your CR3 or CR4 attachment kits to transform your cutter system into a UHP jetter, top hat packer, etc. Interchangeable wheelsets are included, and allow the carrier to squeeze into 6″ pipes and up. Take your rehabilitation services to the next level with the MicroGator® 150.

MicroGator® Rehabilitation Systems
MicroGator® 150 MicroGator® Air MicroGator® 2.0 MicroGator® GT
Range of Application 6" (150mm) and up 8" (200mm) and up 8" (200mm) and up System Dependent
Cable Length 500' (150m) Up to 1000' (300m) 500' (150m) System Dependent
Cutting Motor Power Electric Pneumatic Electric System Dependent
Pressure Monitoring
Continuously Variable Speed
Observation Camera
Front Camera - - -
Reverse Camera
Camera Lens Cleaning
Inspection -
UHP Water Jet Cutting - -
Set Top Hats -
Set Sleeves -

Inspection Range:

6" (150mm)


16" (400mm)

Need more information?

any questions? contact us.
(800)656-4225  |  sales@rapidview.com